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Chromatin Remodeling of the EDC

The de Guzman Strong lab discovered enhancer-mediated chromatin remodeling of the EDC upon epidermal differentiation. They have since determined a requirement for a nearby enhancer to regulate Involucrin (Ivl) expression in cis via CRISPR/Cas9 editing in mice. Our group is actively working on determining the mechanisms by which a milieu of enhancers coordinate allele-specific expression in the EDC using mice and primary human keratinocytes.


Selected Publications

1. Mathyer ME*, Brettmann E.* et al. Selective sweep for an enhancer involucrin allele identifies skin barrier adaptation out of Africa. Nat Commun. 2021; 12(1): 2557. *denotes co-first authors.

2. Oh IY, Albea DM et al. Regulation of the dynamic chromatin architecture of the Epidermal Differentiation Complex is mediated by a c-Jun/AP-1-modulated enhancer. J Invest Dermatol. 2014 Sept; 134(9): 2371-80.

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